Monday, December 30, 2013

Writing-ception...Book Number Eight

You don't have to wait any longer!  I have finally published another short story for your enjoyment and entertainment.  It is meta-fiction which means it is not an ordinary story and may seem strange at first.  Just roll with it.  It discusses and comments on writing conventions within the story itself. Kind of like writing with in writing...Or writing-ception! I wrote it for a creative writing class a year and a half ago.  It made me laugh writing it (plus every time I've reread it) and I hope it does the same to you!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Voice Part 8/12

This chapter on Voice is one that I have always struggled with. I use it all the time but find it hard to define. I also fail to see it in my own writing, but I hope that I will figure it out over time.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Setting and Pacing Part 7/12

This next chapter is easily overlooked. Setting and pacing are so simplistically difficult to get right and so painfully obvious when ill written. There is a balance that the writer must decide for each piece of writing. It always changes.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Dialogue Part 6/12

Chapter Six of the Writing Fiction novel focuses on dialogue. Dialogue has always been one of my favorite parts of a story or novel. I loved that this chapter helps to make dialogue more believable and less boring. It is deceiving sometimes...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Description Part 5/12

Here is chapter 5 in the Writing Fiction book. This is a great chapter about description and how to make the most out of it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What will I become?

I came upon this quote a few days ago and thought it quite profound.  The words and principle struck a chord with me and helped strengthen my resolve to work for my dreams.

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Point of View Part 4/12

Here is the next chapter of Writing Fiction. This focuses on point of view and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as, help in how deciding which one to use. Enjoy!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Plot Part 3/12

Here is the third chapter in Writing Fiction. It focuses on plot and how to find it. I particularly liked this one. It helped me not worry about finding plot; it will just emerge over time. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Character Part 2/12

This is the next chapter in the Writing Fiction novel.  It focuses on
what is a good character, and how to create one.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Writing Advice and Inspiration: Fiction Part 1/12

I recently found this book that I used in one of my fiction/novel writing classes at SLCC. I remember how much I loved the book and how it inspired me to write. I decided I would re-read it and take notes on what struck me the most. Then I decided that others could benefit from my inspiration as well. So I am posting my notes on how to write great pieces of fiction. Feel free to be inspired and end up writing something that turns you into a millionaire. I only ask that you remember me and the part I played and perhaps reward me with some small example of your appreciation. (sideways winky face)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

In Which our Heroine Carly Higgins Steps out into the Light

Over two years ago I saw a picture of a girl standing in a field of wheat and saw a story hidden inside.  That was how my short story "Wind in the Wheat Field" was born.  Since then I revised it many times but it wasn't until a recent workshop that I really felt it was complete.  My peers, as well as time spent apart, allowed me to edit and revise it from the rough lump of coal it was to a fully refined shining diamond.

I have decided that I want to share my writing with the world.  I no longer wish to remain in darkness.  Diamonds are meant to be seen in the sun.  So I am stepping out into the light; starting with this short story that is a personal favorite.