Day Thirty: This is it; the last daily posting. Cue the sad music and cries of outrage. Don't worry though. I would still like to post one perhaps once a week. What do you think about me extending ones that you liked most? That would mean you would have to tell me which ones you liked most. Otherwise I will whatever I please. I hope you have enjoyed my daily Snippets and Shorter Stories. I have enjoyed writing them and like all the different stories I have created. The imagination is truly an amazing gift. Happy Holidays!
Marya and the Orb
Marya didn't like being next to the nasty little frog with his bulging eyes and quivering throat, but she had no choice. She reached her hand into the chill water up to her elbow, her pale skin reflecting the blue hue. It was surprisingly clear. She could see the orb was just a few inches deeper. It was so close. If she moved forward a little more she should be able to reach it. But she couldn’t. The fishes and the orb looked like they were within her grasp, but they weren’t. Puzzled, Marya wondered if something was wrong with the pond. Perhaps she should see if the frog could make an exception for her? But no, all the legends said she must be the one to pull it out. Still, it seemed odd that the orb wasn’t as close as it seemed. Sighing in frustration, Marya knew she couldn’t give up now. The plague had reached her kingdom and she needed the orb’s power to save it. She only hoped she wasn't too late.
Prince licked his lips. She was quite dainty and young, but her beauty would sustain him for years. He knew she would never reach the orb unless she dove in and that would be fatal for her. If only she would lean in just a little more.
Marya shifted her weight forward a little more.