Since my last post I have written many more little snippets, started a new job where I met several fellow authors, and started about three more novels. Yep, I have way to many ideas to handle and all the inspiration I need. Isn't that awesome!?
My new job is at the City Library and it is both a blessing and a curse. I am surrounded by hundreds of books and it encourages me to keep going and finish a novel. But...I am surrounded by hundreds of books and I just want to read them all. I keep adding more to my 'to read' list than I am crossing off. Oh well, I enjoy working there and I will be graduating in two weeks and will have more "time" and motivation to read and write.
If you enjoyed something you read that I will write please comment and tell me about it. Perhaps it reminded you of another book you have read that you want me to know about. Or it made you smile, tear up, reminisce, shiver, beg for more, etc. let me know, because I want to know. Seriously. I want to know.
Or, if you are inspired to write, write. Even if it just a small teeny tiny passing thought, please do it. It could be anything: a continuation of my story or a completely different tale. And after your story is written, post it. I really loved when my readers wrote their own stories from the pictures and posted them in the comments. I believe we all have stories to tell and so I encourage you to do so.
Thanks for supporting me and I hope you enjoy Snippets and Shorter Stories 2.0!