2.18 If there was a school for people to learn how to control the elements I would be all over that...Just saying. What is your favorite element? Artist: Almost Without Wants.
Wind 101
"Welcome to Wind 101. My name is Professor Gaylyn Gale but you will call me Professor Gale. In this class you will be learning about the basics of wind control. Please read the syllabus quietly to yourself while I prepare a demonstration of what you will be able to achieve at the end of Wind 102." Professor Gale sat behind her desk at the front of the classroom. A nervous, but excited feeling filled the room. The 24 students pretended to read the syllabus while they watched Professor Gale prep. They had heard from older siblings and rumors around campus about the exhilarating first class demonstrations. If all went well with their studies they would be able to do some amazing things.
Professor Gale finished assembling items and blew a slight breeze at the bell in the far corner of the room to call their attention. It rang and all the students jumped, pencils hit the ground and rolled several feet. Professor Gale tapped her long fingernail on her desk for a moment as the kids gathered their pencils. Finally she raised a glass jar, sweeping it around the room for all to see. Then she sprinkled some water inside, screwed the lid on, and placed it under a light. The water evaporated inside the jar and she pulled it out and set it in the middle of her table. "Gather round, students, if you would. No pushing, please. Civility at all times."
After a minute or so, a gasp escaped the student closest to the jar. "A cloud is forming in the jar! I can see it." The students whispered animatedly to each other and pressed closer to the table for a better look, stepping on each other’s feet. Professor Gale gave a half-smile and let them chatter. She remembered the first time she had watched this demonstration. They would cease chattering soon anyway. She continued to swirl her hand around the glass jar and it wasn't long before other children exclaimed that they too, could see the tiny cloud forming inside.
Professor Gale finished the last swirl of her hand as the students lapsed into silence once more then tapped once on the lid. Tiny streaks of lightning lit up the students' faces, their eyes wide, mouth open. They jumped again when the crash of thunder broke the silence. They cheered and clapped their hands. Professor Gale smiled for a second before she hushed them and lifted the jar into the air. "This is a thundercloud as I am sure you are all well aware. It is a mixture of water, electricity and air. All three are needed but only an wind bender, such as us, can create a cloud and a thundercloud.” Another burst of lightning and thunder erupted from the tiny thundercloud. “Next semester will be focused more on creating one and you will be working in pairs so I suggest you observe your fellow classmates and pick your partner carefully. As I said earlier, this semester we will be focusing on the very basics of wind control, namely creating and calming. Now if you will all return to your seats and pull out your notebooks, we can begin."
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