Saturday, November 22, 2014

Snippets and Shorter Stories Makes a Splash

Day Twenty-Two. Man this cold is knocking me out! Luckily I have an awesome mom who took care of me and a niece who loves to play. I thought this next piece was cute and probably not far in our future if scientists continue to mess with nature. Enjoy!

Gavin and the Musical Jumping Fish

Musical Jumping Fish.
6 for $50. Ships within 1 week of purchase. Guaranteed alive.

Gavin lowered the newspaper ad. He needed them. There was an large fish tank on the piano with nothing but snails and fake plants slowly gathering algae. It screamed at him every time he played piano. Fill Me. He begged his parents for weeks: pleading, subtle hints, reasoned arguments, and bribery.  Finally, for his twelfth birthday, his parents consented to buy him the Musical Jumping Fish. Nobody came to his party but that didn’t matter. He had six new best friends who shared his love of music.

He poured their orange scaly bodies into the water, each one about the size of his hand. He named them as they hit the water. Bach. Plop. Mozart. Plop. Brahms. Plop. Chopin. Plop. Beethoven. Plop. Wagner. Plop. The water vibrated with their humming, the plants swaying with their circular swimming. He played a single note. Their slender bodies began to glow, casting blue and green rays of light over the dark room. They looked at him in anticipation. Gavin nearly toppled the piano bench, jumping in excitement. Gathering his composure, he sat down and raised his hands over the smooth, black and white keys.


  1. Love this one! Kind of wish there was a recording the way you've built up the anticipation!

    1. You are musical, I bet you can hear a song in your head with fish jumping to it. :)
