Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Snowy Day for Snippets and Shorter Stories

Day 5: Every morning when I wake up, I check to make sure there isn't snow on the ground. There is something wonderful about a fresh blanket of snow that evens out the world. It covers everything, providing tantalizing hints at what is hidden beneath the frozen water. Snow can make the ugly, beautiful. The tiny glints, like millions of diamonds, make the world seem a very rich place. You can see where you have come from and where children have played. Don't you just love it?

The Father of Time and Space

     It was time to see if the legends were true. Terreth set the twelve candles around her in a circle as delicate snowflakes fell from the sky. Then she lit them and chanted the ancient words passed down to her by her Great, Great Grandfather the Seer. She felt a warm breeze spiral up her body, making her look up into the swirling clouds. Then it was gone and when Terreth dropped her gaze, a great black wolf with tan legs stood before her, its ears up and focused on her. 
At first, Terreth was disappointed, then she looked a bit closer. He looked old. Old down to his very bones though only the tip of his muzzle was white. His fur shone from the melted snowflakes falling like feathers.
     And his eyes. Oh, his coal-black eyes. They saw what was hidden or secret. Terreth could see the future, past, present of people and worlds ticking gently by. The beginnings and endings of objects, empires, and galaxies intertwined with Time, at times as strong as the thickest chain and other times as frail as a puff of smoke. Her call had been answered. The Father of Time and Space had come to answer all the deepest questions of her soul. Terreth breathed in sharply through her tears and opened her mouth to ask the most important question of all.

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